Press Club Goa inaugurated; Joshi urges media persons to join

 Press Club Goa inaugurated; Joshi urges media persons to join


 The Press Club Goa was launched on Feb.27 at the hands of former Director of PIB Mr Gurunath Pai at the Youth Hostel, Miramar, on Saturday.

Media persons from all over Goa attended the function. The Press Club Goa is a first for the journalists of Goa. Mr Prabhakar Dhage former  Pudhari,  Editor, introduced the members along with the President of the Press Club  Goa, Mr Dilip Borkar and the distinguished guest on the dais. He also disclosed the purpose of Goa's Press Club.

Mr Anant Joshi, secretary-general of Goa's Press Club, informed the gathering about the Press Club Goa's rules and guidelines. "Goa had no Press Club till date, and hence our media persons lacked the facilities and benefits. Today the Press Club Goa members can go places in India where we have our presence and enjoy privileges like accommodation at subsidised rates," informed Mr Joshi.

The distinguished guests present on occasion were Mr Gurunath Pai ,The guests of honour Mr Shyam Gaonkar, Mr Chandrashekhar, Mr Rajesh  spoke about their personal experiences in journalism.

Goa's Press Club announced various pipeline programmes like training for stringers and reporters guided by reputed   Editors. 

Mr Joshi urged Goa's media persons to join the Press Club Goa and enjoy the benefits and privileges. Mr Stanly Vaz gave the vote of thanks, and the new members of the   Press Club Goa introduced themselves to the gathering. 

A gala dinner followed the event on the lawns of the Youth Hostel, Miramar.

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